YPRC Stands in Solidarity with Our Sister Ahed Tamimi

By Sean Orr
On December 15, 2017, Israeli soldiers entered the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh to shut down a protest of Trump’s backwards decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. They came to the home of the Tamimi’s, a prominent activist family, and, while there, shot 15-year-old Mohammad Tamimi in the head. His cousin, Ahed, confronted the soldiers and demanded they leave. When one of the soldiers slapped her, she slapped him back.
Now Ahed Tamimi, a 16-year-old girl, is facing up to ten years in prison. On January 1 she was charged with 12 counts of activism and assault. Top Israeli government officials demanded that she, a child, be imprisoned for life. An Israeli journalist wrote that “we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras.”
Today, women across the United States are standing up against their abusers and oppressors. Ahed has confronted her abusers and oppressors, too. If we stand with the #MeToo movement, we must stand with Ahed. Our love must extend to the innumerable women and girls like Ahed, victims of Israeli apartheid and military occupation.
The Young People’s Resistance Committee (YPRC) stands in unflinching solidarity with Ahed Tamimi, her entire family, and the Palestinian people as they struggle, against all odds, for their freedom. We call on you  to do the same.

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